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Managing fleet safety can often feel like an unending sequence of overlapping and conflicting schedules. Some courses need to be renewed every couple of years, some just need to be taken once (but they absolutely need to be completed, and within a specific timeframe after hiring). That doesn't even consider the things you'd LIKE to do more regularly, just to keep them fresh. That's a tall order, and in many fleets, it's just not feasible.

Let us take care of it.

For all the things that need to be repeated periodically, and all the things you WANT repeated periodically, CarriersEdge can keep track. Every course can have its own expiry, so you can set whatever renewal schedule you want, and we'll stay on top of who's current, who's expired, and who's coming up for renewal.

With at-a-glance summaries on the admin dashboard, and regularly emailed status reports, you'll always know what's going on - by terminal, by manager, and by individual driver.

Commonly used features

Online course catalog

Online course catalog

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Upload your own files

Training management tools

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People management tools

People management tools

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View activity reports

Reporting on activities

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