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At CarriersEdge, we're focused on producing great quality products, and satisfied customers. We don't care about being the coolest company in town, having the most amazing perks, or the hippest staff. If you're interested in those things, you'll hate us.

On the other hand, if you're not looking for a social group and just want to do great work in peace, then you may be exactly what we're looking for. We don't care where you work, we have flexible hours, and we won't be looking over your shoulder micromanaging you. You'll have minimal meetings disrupting your week, and plenty of time to focus on doing the best job possible. We're growing quickly, but not so quickly that things are chaotic.

On top of that, we offer competitive salary, solid benefits, generous vacation, and a great opportunity to be part of something that actually saves lives.

See what our employees say about us