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CarriersEdge Adds New Course to Help Prevent Injuries While Operating a Tanker

Newmarket, Ontario, September 20, 2022 - CarriersEdge, a leading provider of online driver training for the trucking industry, has introduced a course to help drivers avoid injuries while performing tasks directly or indirectly related to operating a tanker.

Falls from climbing a tanker, using the catwalk, or tripping over a hose are common causes of injuries for tanker drivers, and can result in sprains, fractures, or head injuries. The "Tanker Injury Prevention" course focuses on risks associated with getting in and out of the cab, climbing on and off the tanker, securing the cargo, and handling hoses while loading and unloading cargo.

The interactive module outlines the different aspects of the driver's tanker-related duties, including specific examples and detailed steps.

After completing the "Tanker Injury Prevention" course, drivers will be able to:

  • List the main causes of injuries when working around a tanker
  • List the personal protective equipment (PPE) needed when operating a tanker
  • Explain how to use three points of contact around the vehicle
  • Describe how to avoid injuries when working with hoses
  • Describe common fall protection methods

"Tankers present a multitude of opportunities for workplace injury, so it's critical for drivers to understand how to stay safe when loading, unloading, and inspecting the equipment," said Jane Jazrawy, CEO of CarriersEdge. "This course uses a combination of text, images, animation, and interactive exercises to take drivers through the common activities and ensure they're well prepared to avoid injuries."

"Tanker Injury Prevention" is available to customers now at no extra charge, as part of the CarriersEdge subscription service. There are over 100 titles in the CarriersEdge monthly subscription package, with new and updated titles added regularly. Courses are offered as full-length orientation, short refresher and remedial titles, and as standalone knowledge tests.