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Drivers may say they don't need training because they already know the regs, but do they really?

Find out for sure what they know and don't know, before putting them into training, with standalone tests. Based on course final tests, these tests offer a quick way to effectively assess driver knowledge, with all the same rigour and tracking as a regular course completion.

Standalone tests are included for most major subject areas, and are completely customizable. Use them as is, or completely change them to suit your needs. Make variations for different audiences, adjust passing scores to suit your specific situations - you can make them completely your own.

Hand grabbing pencil

How are fleets using it?

  • Give drivers a standardized knowledge test at the beginning of orientation, then personalize onboarding based on the results.
  • Run all drivers through a knowledge test on a specific subject (e.g. vehicle inspection) then use the result to determine who needs additional training.
  • Create a custom, open-book test on the driver manual, then have drivers complete that at the end of orientation.